Wildflower Long Island i Glen Head

Forenede StaterWildflower Long Island



🕗 åbningstider

683, Glen Cove Avenue, 11545, Glen Head, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-801-1145
internet side: www.wildflowerlongisland.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.832151, Longitude: -73.629902

kommentar 5

  • en

    Melissa Babajko


    I found the staff to be condescending and mildly racist. I'll never feel comfortable shopping here again. Also, the reindeer lollipops are disgusting.

  • Susan B

    Susan B


    I never write a review but, so many of my friends have been raving about this little place called Wildflower. My whole experience was amazing, I will definitely be going back!

  • en



    Totally LOVE the smell, vibe and decor! This is gem of a store!

  • Damien Moore-Evans

    Damien Moore-Evans


    Love the Wildflower store. The personality and energy of the owners shines through all their products, attention to detail and aesthetics of the store. It's so important to have a great in store experience these days and the Wildflower team truly delivers an uplifting experience whilst being very helpful to the shoppers needs. For the Gents visiting Wildflower; it's perfect for gifts, accessories and women clothes - your partner will be most grateful!

  • en

    Debbie M


    Jewel box of a boutique! Shopping at Wildflower is a unique experience. From the moment you step in the door you can feel the positive vibe. Super creative displays of cool & funky gift items, clothing, jewelry and more. One of my fave items from there is a 1 of a kind ripped concert tee...gets compliments all of the time! L o v e this store!

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