Wigl Corporation w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneWigl Corporation



🕗 godziny otwarcia

507, West 125th Street, 10027, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-866-3391
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.813924, Longitude: -73.956305

komentarze 5

  • en

    Johaira Acosta


    This place is the worst. Is not clean and it has bed bugs. I will never go there again.

  • Andrea Ivey

    Andrea Ivey


    New ownership. The location is clean and the owners are helpful. The washers are good but the dryers are not as hot as they should be.

  • Y.G love

    Y.G love


    Only getting 3 star because it's so convenient for me than walking 2 miles. 1 mile there and 1 mile back to do laundry. Wish I could have been the one who own it.

  • en

    Maria Lopez


    Again, this part of Harlem/Manhattan has no decent laundromats. I don't understand it. And one that was on Broadway closed. This laundromat is simply atrocious. I called 311 on them and made a Department of Consumer Affairs complaint. I suggest others do also. This place (confirmed with other patrons) turns the electric and/or heat down on some of the machines so they don't run on full heat. It causes you to put more quarters in or move your clothes to another dryer. Patrons that know the attendant are asking him machines are good. Laundry shouldn't be a guessing game. There's a cat roaming all over the place. Don't recommend this place. Just walk 10-15 mins elsewhere.

  • en

    Eric Tampier


    People are helpful, but place is dirty.

najbliższy Pralnia

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