Wig Wam Hair en Westbury

Estados UnidosWig Wam Hair



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471, Old Country Road, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-333-6110
sitio web: wigcenterny.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7467256, Longitude: -73.5963405

comentarios 4

  • en

    Debra Stern


    I went there this past weekend to have a wig steamed. The door was locked when I got there. The woman was working in the back and came out. I told her I was looking to have the bottom of my wig steamed to get out the frizz. She said there is a spray. I told her I would prefer it to be steamed and I also wanted to try some toppers on. She said she could not help me then and to come back at 1:00. There was no one else to help me . I said ok and left my wig. When I picked the wig up it had been washed so I could not tell whether the frizz was gone or not. When it dried at home the same frizz was there. I feel they sprayed it and washed it. I did not want it washed just steamed and I do not think they steamed it at all. I asked to try on some toppers. The women ...probably the owners...were so unfriendly. Like they were doing you a favor by letting you try something on. None of the toppers were good. They had no suggestions for me. Originally I had told the woman when I first came in that I lost my hair during chemo. There was no acknowledgement even that I said that . She was like a cold fish. Both of them were. When people go thru hair loss or is an emotional thing ...there was no emotion. I would never go back there. I usually go to a place in Wantagh. They are wonderful. I went here for convenience that day because it is in my town but I will never go back.

  • Lester Haynes

    Lester Haynes


  • en

    Dreamline Communications


    Absolutely the worst interaction I've had with a company. Period. The woman behind the counter is completely insensitive, rude, and condescending. Folks who need wigs include those who have a medical need. Why would some behind the counter store clerk have the need verbally ask/confirm that my hair was going to fall out because of Chemo. Who are you?

  • en

    Olga Rivera


Cuidado del cabello más cercano

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