White Maple Café w Ridgewood

Stany ZjednoczoneWhite Maple Café



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47, East Ridgewood Avenue, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-447-1953
strona internetowej: www.whitemaplecafe.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9798225, Longitude: -74.118735

komentarze 5

  • Benswing Rich

    Benswing Rich


    Delicious food, attentive service and sustainable practices make this the best choice of dining in Ridgewood. Enjoyed their grass fed burger, fish tacos, and corn Succotash tremendously!

  • Punit Shah

    Punit Shah


    Food was well made and staff were very accommodating however I felt the food was a bit too simple in nature and given the vibe, crowd and menu styling I hoped for a bit more depth to the flavors of the huevos ranchero and the avocado toast.

  • en

    Sandra B


    Just came into White Maple for the first time for brunch. We had such a great experience! The atmosphere is inviting and beautifully yet simply decorated. Upon seating, a bowl of delicious cinnamon sugar popcorn is served. There are also plenty of vegetarian options. We ordered the veggie burger (so yummy and large portion! Got to take half home for later) and the eggs Benedict (which I was told was equally as delicious). Servers were very friendly and attentive. Overall, such a great first experience and will definitely be back.

  • Sam Kaestner

    Sam Kaestner


    I have been here a few times now. I’ve never been blown away by the food. Everything is good, but I’ve never had anything exceptional. Tonight was a downright bad experience. Our appetizer came (gochujang roasted cauliflower), and it was good. It needed some more salt, as if nobody tasted it before it headed out of the kitchen. Then we waited. And waited. Tables seated after us came and went, and still no sign of our main course. An hour passed by. The server apologized and eventually the dishes appeared. My burger was undercooked, possibly in a rush to get it out of the kitchen. Also, again it was lacking salt. A burger needs salt before you cook it. The tomato jam is oddly sweet against the lack of savoriness from the under seasoned burger. My wife got the veggie bowl, which contained woefully undercooked beans. They were actually crunchy and a bit dry. Finally, we moved on to dessert, which was actually very good. I had a chocolate rocky road pudding, which would have benefited from being taken out of the fridge for 30 minuets before it was served, but it was still quite good. My wife had the banana creme brûlée, which was also tasty. White Maple is a restaurant that tries to do everything right; source good ingredients, provide delicious, wholesome food, and have a nice atmosphere. Unfortunately, it fails at the most basic and important of restaurant tasks, getting properly cooked food on the table in a timely manner. With so many great Ridgewood restaurants, why bother to return?

  • AHI Medicare Solutions

    AHI Medicare Solutions


    Yes. FIVE STARS. This is a quaint cafe' with warm atmosphere and exceptional quality. I visited for the first time today due to a business meeting with a local who frequents this "home feel" cafe'. Tasting the zepole? No. Experiencing the zepole! Not your average recipes. The owner greeted me at the door and seated me while I waited for my colleague. Complimentary choice of water and flavored popcorn was a nice little touch to welcome a guest. He was so pleasant. And though his pleasantry may have been improved because the local was my companion, I appreciated the friendliness during our time their. Definitely not a disappointment if you choose to experience it too. Highly recommended.

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