Westport Ale House i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWestport Ale House



🕗 åbningstider

4128, Broadway Boulevard, 64111, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-756-5277
internet side: westportalehouse.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.0522391, Longitude: -94.5899826

kommentar 5

  • Krista Coulas

    Krista Coulas


    So basic. Wasn't crazy about the crowd or the DJ - overhyped in my opinion but pretty popular with the early to mid-20s sorority and frat bro crowd. Isn't my cup of tea but I know plenty of people who like it.

  • en

    Jason Iezzi


    The beer selection is good and the rooftop patio is great. The food is not great. On weekends there is usually a cover at night.

  • Xhosoli Nmhumad

    Xhosoli Nmhumad


    This was my first time going. The bar tender was nice and even introduced to me a new drink called ginger beer🍻 that I loved!! I didn't like the green chili chicken as much though.

  • Courtney Weigand

    Courtney Weigand


    Service was good. Beer and food selection was fine. We didn't realize the sports bar turned in to a club around 9 pm.

  • en



    The food here is very average, I have never had anything great here foodwise. As for going out here, it gets so overcrowded and you are constantly poured on the whole time. The only redeeming thing about this bar is the upstairs area complete with another less crowded bar and yard games and tables. That area is nice, but inside is not

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