Western State Bank w Chandler

Stany ZjednoczoneWestern State Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

976, West Chandler Boulevard, 85225, Chandler, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-855-6287
strona internetowej: www.westernbanks.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3065138, Longitude: -111.8585819

komentarze 5

  • Chris Jaques

    Chris Jaques


    I'm really impressed with Western Bank. I've been working with Jerry at the McKellips branch. He has really helped me out with with all my banking needs during a family crisis. Thank you Jerry!

  • Timothy Wunderlich

    Timothy Wunderlich


    I used Western State Bank and loan officer Dave Ouradnik to get a home loan. Dave was extremely helpful in walking me through the process and responsive even in off-hours. While looking for lenders, I met with several and shopped rates. Western State Bank not only offered the lowest rate and closing costs, but was also the most hospitable and responsive of any lender that I spoke to making my decision extremely easy when it came to obtaining the loan. I'd recommend this bank to anyone for any account or loan needs, as I'll definitely continue doing business with them.

  • Alfonso Larriva

    Alfonso Larriva


    Shane and Deanna did a great job processing my PPP loans. Fast, easy, no mistakes. Service is a lot better when you're with a smaller bank.

  • Baylee Wilkinson

    Baylee Wilkinson


    Long story short I had an issue with my acct for direct deposit and Pete was super amazing! He knew exactly how to fix the problem and completely saved a roof over mine and my families head! He was so patient on the phone and extremely curtious. He deserves this regconition for what he did to help me out!

  • James Bogash, DC

    James Bogash, DC


    I have been banking here for quite a few years. There is NO WAY I would consider a large bank after the service I get here. It's gotten to the point where they recognize my car in the drive thru (usually no wait) and are on the monitor to say hello as soon as I drive up. I drop my deposit in and go. Maybe 1 minute total, including entering and leaving the parking lot. The time saved is worth everything. in addition, there have been times when a banking snafu occurs while I'm out of town and can't fix it personally. The bank (most often Amber) has gone out of their way to help fix the problem without me needing to be there personally.

najbliższy Bank

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