Westcrest Park w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneWestcrest Park



🕗 godziny otwarcia

9000, 8th Avenue Southwest, 98106, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-684-4075
strona internetowej: www.seattle.gov
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.521375, Longitude: -122.343385

komentarze 5

  • alex norton

    alex norton


    Because thats where you could always find him and baby dog. Now we are going to celebrate his life in the same place he loved to be. June 1, 2018 at 2pm. Come join us and have some fun just the he would have liked it a huge party in the 206 just for him.

  • en

    David Minns


    Great place the whole family can enjoy. There are plenty of open spaces to relax and picnic. The kids park is new and up to date with plenty of challenges for the kids. The dog park portion is a great off leash park. Great place for dogs to learn social skills with other dogs and owners to learn more about dog behavior. There is a nice circular walking path and open areas that are "off leash" and something for all dog types. There are a lot of regulars that use the dog park and it is a nice and friendly environment for all.

  • Colleen West

    Colleen West


    Nice park with off leash area for dogs, community pea patch and super cool play area for kids with zip lines. Has a great view of downtown Seattle at one platform. I use the walking trail which is concrete so that is also good for bikes and strollers. Also has some wooded trails which I have not explored.

  • en



    This park has a lot of open green grass around which makes for a great picnic spot. They have a dog park, with an area designated for shy dogs. FYI the dog park is located some distance from the children's play equipment. There is a sign by the equipment that says it is recommended for 5 and up but there is a swing for younger children.

  • Becky Carmack

    Becky Carmack


    Lovely place with lots of space and different places to play for every member of your family! I love the diversity in the dog park and ,though it's fairly easy to get a little lost looking for WHICH parking lot leads to certain areas, also easy to navigate once in. I absolutely love the nature of the dog park and that it's entirely fenced in with a free range loop to walk as well as leashed trails in the woods. My pooch loves it and I hope to share it with my child once he's old enough to run around a park.

najbliższy Park

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