West Memorials w Memphis

Stany ZjednoczoneWest Memorials



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2481, Broad Avenue, 38112, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 800-508-6022
strona internetowej: westmemorials.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1479022, Longitude: -89.9767766

komentarze 5

  • en

    Trevor Smiley


    November 1st 2015, our 17 years young son died his senior year of high school. The folks at WM went to great lengths to give us comfort while offering an incredibly beautiful monument. They were committed to being perfect. Guided us with answers to all our questions while we were yet processing our pain. WM spoke for us when Holland quality treated us like scum. I /we are absolutely delighted with West Memorial monument. Beautiful craftsmanship and care. Thank you. Trevor and Melissa M. Smiley Parents of Devon William LaMarr Smiley

  • Bonnie Perry

    Bonnie Perry


    Even though we met under bad circumstances, my daddy's death, they made me enjoy the preparation of my daddy's monument. No matter how many times I called or emailed, they never acted like I was bothering them and were more than willing to answer questions or listen to my ideas. After talking with them, we were able to come up with an absolutely beautiful monument for my daddy! I will never forget the experience and plan to use them with any other "unfortunate" event I have in my life.

  • Christine Kerber

    Christine Kerber


    West Memorials was an extremely professional and warm heart-felt experience. They answered my questions, emails and returned phone calls in a timely fashion. I never felt rushed to make my choices and they offered sound advice. I feel blessed to have had their support and knowledge during this extremely emotional time.

  • en

    Rhonda Smiley Smiley


    West Memorial is a first class operation which does impeccable work. We had a vision of what we wanted for my husband's grave and they made that vision a reality. The entire staff was very professional and compassionate. We were told it would take approximately 8 weeks for the monument to be completed and it was placed at my husband's grave in 8 weeks. Please know that we had visited several companies in our area and were told it would take 6-10 months for completion - that if it was wrong they would fix it - not sure what it would really cost and a multitude of other things that left me in tears during the process. Once my children found West Memorial, we felt our prayers had been answered that we would find the right company to make a lasting memorial for our beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather. Thank you to everyone we worked with at West Memorials. The Smiley Family

  • en

    Mike Cromeans


    West put it all together for two brokenhearted parents. Design, inscriptions, images, artistic creativeness were factors involved that were beyond our ability to put together the memorial we sought for our only son. West accomplished what we hoped for, with extra compassion added. We see, in our grief group, that haste and pressure from family and friends promotes lasting mistakes. Our experience was taking our time and listening to the guidance of West. What a blessing it turned out to be. We could not do the design we wanted, West did. A lasting tribute of the life story of my son exists for all to visit at his memorial.

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