Well Groomed Gentleman w Coral Gables

Stany ZjednoczoneWell Groomed Gentleman



🕗 godziny otwarcia

130, Miracle Mile, 33134, Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 786-362-6360
strona internetowej: www.wellgroomedgentleman.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.749444, Longitude: -80.257405

komentarze 5

  • John Nolan

    John Nolan


    My experience here has been fantastic! The vibe is great, and the employees are enthusiastic and extremely skilled. The membership is a great deal. I received almost every service: hair cut, straight shave, manicure, pedicure, facial, and massage. As a small business owner, I have to look good for marketing functions, and Well Groomed Gentleman has been a perfect fit for me.

  • en

    Maikol Guerrero


    I absolutely love this place! I’ve been a member for such a long time and can honestly say it’s worth the price. I recommend getting the membership for all the discounted services and items sold. It’s not just a place to get your hair cut, it’s an experience.

  • Raymond Haigney II, DDS

    Raymond Haigney II, DDS


    Serendipitously found this place. I have been searching all my adult life for a place like this (I’m 53). Got a manicure, pedicure and back wax from Elsie. She is phenomenal! I will fly back to this place from North Carolina for her because she’s so good. Olsey then gave my a fantastic hot lather straight razor shave. Truly a place for real gentlemen.

  • Matt Collins

    Matt Collins


    I actually like this spot. Yes, they have a few start up snags to work out (like all start ups) but overall I’ve always enjoyed my experience there. Easy booking (though a few bugs in the software - no big deal), pretty cool staff, and good-enough stylists. One recommendation I’d make for the management is to figure out a way to retain their stylists, though, because I noticed a lot of them trying to side hustle and get me to go to their own place. (Profit sharing perhaps?) Nonetheless, I really like the concept and I’ve had a really good experience every time I go...and I’d like to see this place succeed bc the location is AWESOME.

  • Chris Blisset

    Chris Blisset


    The phone call that I made to make the appointment was practically an interrogation. (Full name, address, phone number, email address, how did you hear about us...) At "date of birth" I nearly passed on the appointment - and oh, how I wish I had. I make little money and treat myself very rarely. I never got the special services I was excited about (hot towel and shave). I mean, they asked SO MANY irrelevant questions but didn't get the MOST IMPORTANT ones right! The clientele that makes you successful makes more money than I do, and I suspect many of them can afford memberships with your company - therefore I imagine you won’t care about one working-class customer. The work that was done was competent and looked good - but it was NOT what I (very clearly) asked for. As I am an actor, this aggressive change in my appearance has created trouble for me at work. I shared this tale with people I've met in town, and I've been told that your stylists are KNOWN for giving the cut they think you need, not what you want. I spent more on this present to myself than I will on groceries this week, and all I did was purchase a disappointment. I am polite and tip well, even when I can’t afford it. Writing these notes is VERY rare action for me.

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