Weir's Furniture w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneWeir's Furniture



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3219, Knox Street, 75205, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-528-0321
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8232508, Longitude: -96.7901432

komentarze 5

  • Dillon Keith

    Dillon Keith


    The choices here are endless in terms of fabric, style, size, stuffing etc. Great customer service. I received my couch fast and I LOVE it!

  • Keith Dollar

    Keith Dollar


    Great company and good quality furniture! Sales people are great to work with.

  • Jon Haldeman

    Jon Haldeman


    Love this place. The staff is great: knowledgeable and never pushy. The glass, indoor bee hive and candy shop will fascinate the kids.

  • en

    Fred Self


    We've bought items over the years from Weir's on Knox and found the staff accommodating and informative. The products are high quality and fit our sense of "home". Occasionally, while out and about, we've stopped in at competitor's to compare. Usually we find: A. higher prices, B. lower quality, C. uninformed or disinterested staff. The best indicator is how quickly, if at all, you are greeted when you enter. Thomasville, Ethan Allan, etc. have been uninspiring and we just didn't feel like much more than a number. Weir's has the knowledge and interest to spend whatever time was needed to help us select the two chairs, sofa and tables for our new home at a price and delivery schedule that fits. I particularly like the quality of the items we selected and the durability posted by previous buyers of the same items. Quality at a reasonable price equals happy campers!!

  • Steven Schafer

    Steven Schafer


    One of my favorite furniture stores. Great selection. The staff are friendly and helpful without being pushy. Location is historic, right near the old soda shop. The store has an old-time shop with candy, popcorn, coffee, and nicknacks. There’s also an old post office inside. Furniture is high quality at a decent price.

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