Weather Masters Inc w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneWeather Masters Inc



🕗 godziny otwarcia

155, East Broadway Road, 85210, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-832-9659
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.40757, Longitude: -111.8274449

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marco Tarango


    Called Weather Master on a warranty call when my unit stopped working. Chris was prompt to show up. Diagnosed the problem was my compressor, replaced it then found the other issues, repaired them and stayed into the night until the unit was working properly. Brandon also came out to help Chris when he needed it. Not once did I hear any excuses from them or any doubt that they would get the unit working. Both were very professional and hardworking people and they kept me informed as to what they were doing. Great job guys!

  • en

    Bill Brown


    I have used Weather Masters for several years. Yesterday I had a good experience with HVAC Repair Tech Keith who was able to describe what caused the problem we were having and he had the unit back up and running in a couple hours. Also, the scheduling is efficient as we called after hours at 6PM and they had the tech scheduled and unit repaired by late morning the next day. I keep coming back as they have always been quick to respond and fair with price. They are an honest company.

  • en

    Brett Overson


    We used this company to replace our two AC units on our home and they did an excellent job. Great communication throughout the project and the new units work fantastic. We will continue to use them for future needs and definitely recommend this company!

  • Kate Copic

    Kate Copic


    I highly recommend Weather Masters and it’s my HVAC company of choice. They consistently provide excellent service. The technicians are very professional, qualified and really kind to work with. They explain things so I can understand their trade a bit better and the issue at hand. I will continue to use this company.

  • en

    James Hoppe


    Had Weather Masters come out to my home when I heard they were offering an AC inspection and tune up. The technician was great. He didn't just get up there and poke around only to come down to tell me it was time to settle up. He and I went on the roof together and he walked me through the system and let me know where I should have the system serviced. He didn't try to push me into getting the work done. In fact he told me I'm good for the time being but that they were suggestions. I would use these guys again. Very reputable company.

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