We Do Locksmith i Tampa

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3309, West Kennedy Boulevard, 33609, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-760-1060
internet side: wedo-locksmith.com
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Latitude: 27.9451091, Longitude: -82.497897

kommentar 5

  • Katrina Patola

    Katrina Patola


    Dex provides amazing service to me in temple terrace area. He arrived promptly on time, was kind, knowledgeable and relieved me of stresses. (My key was locked in the car). He opened the car so quickly and gave me a great rate! Best company ever because they employee awesome people. 5 stars. Thank you Dex!

  • Chaos panda

    Chaos panda


    Dex came to my place to work on my 91 dodge stealth. He was able to make me a key in 30 mins when I had 2 other locksmiths out and the both said it was impossible. The dealer didn't have my key available or the codes available to them at all! What was I going to do?! Call Dex and We Do Locksmith. Exactly what you should do too if you ever need keys made. They are the best at what they do.

  • en

    Debra Williamson


    Before calling "we do locksmith" I called 2 other locksmith companies. They estimated me 15 to 20 minutes. None of them showed up. We do locksmith sent me a technician name Abe. He was here as he promised. Really punctual. What an excellent service from "we do locksmith" . Abe was friendly and really informative. After changing my locks, he asked for a vacuum cleaner. I writing this on my review because I wasn't expecting a top-notch service like this. Finally found a good locksmith. I will definitely recommend their service and this technician to my friends.

  • Jennifer Williams

    Jennifer Williams


    Dex was great! He came to my house as quick as he could and was super nice throughout the whole job. He explained everything that was wrong (he gave me the pieces that were jammed in the lock so I could see myself which was cool) and how he would be able to fix it. He ended up working into the night/cold but he stayed as long as it took to get the job done, and even gave me some advice on how to fix other parts of my car I brought up. Great experience overall and I'd definitely recommend this company to anyone in need of assistance.

  • en

    Brian Wallings


    I had the pleasure of Steve the locksmith working on my locks a few days ago. He was very helpful and informative. I recommend him highly for your locksmith needs. I've had to deal with some poor locksmiths in the past so I am very satisfied. Absolutely 5 stars!

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