Warwick Allerton - Chicago i Chicago

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Forenede StaterWarwick Allerton - Chicago



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701, North Michigan Avenue, 60611, Chicago, Cook County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 312-440-1500
internet side: warwickhotels.com
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Latitude: 41.8951737, Longitude: -87.623672

kommentar 5

  • Mohsin Ali

    Mohsin Ali


    Actually I've not stayed in this hotel but went to visit out of curiosity after knowing that this is one of the oldest skyscrapers built in early 19th century. I heard a lot of stories about ghosts and it's being haunted since 1961, but I felt it's pretty much a tourist attraction on famous Magnificent Mile of Chicago. It's a jewel in Chicago's architectural history without any doubts. Unfortunately their famous 'Tip Top Tap' room is closed for public since there are no wild parties happening any more and so they converted into a ballroom. Ghosts? May be

  • en

    judy miller


    Location was the only positive about this hotel. The staff made you feel like you were bothering them if you had a question. I asked for more coffee, never got it. My daughter & I tried to hang out in the lobby lounge and we're asked to leave because we had "outside' cupcakes. I asked the front desk how I get my parking ticket validated for Spothero, they didn't have a clue what I was talking about & didn't want to hear me either . I highly DO NOT recommend! There are many other nicer, friendlier places to stay in downtown Chicago

  • Lu Mi

    Lu Mi


    I would say not all but some of the staffs are friendly. The front desk guys are not close to the best. One of them in particular was so condescending in the way he treated me today. I feel it’s unfair if you have a guest staying for more than two weeks and not doing everything possible to make such guest comfortable and not open to hear complaints. I will neither recommend this place nor come back there. My worst hotel experience so far. And I travel all around the country at least twice a month and never felt badly treated like this.

  • Hailey Hunter

    Hailey Hunter


    *I have edited my review to five stars. The Warwick Allerton has made lots of improvements and I feel that it deserves the extra star* This hotel is beautiful and I have had very good service here in the past. The last stay was not as good as the other times. There is no room service anymore. The rooms don’t coffee machines, which would be nice. The staff was quick and nice for the most part, but I just got a lot of snarky vibes from them this time. There were glasses out in the hall for about three days. It just seems like it has gone down hill a bit. BUT it is still a lovely hotel in a great location and I haven’t had any horrible experiences here. I just wish I had come at a time that it wasn’t in a slump.

  • Jon Cunningham

    Jon Cunningham


    My wife and I spent the night hanging in the city and taking in some museums and restaurants. The hotel staff were very friendly and accommodating. The room was nice and clean, though on the small side. We did not need a large room, however. It was perfect for what we needed. Breakfast the next morning was very good, and the waiter was friendly and helpful. Overall is was a great stay!

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