Warehouse 41 Fitness i Denver

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Forenede StaterWarehouse 41 Fitness



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4105, Jackson Street, 80216, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 39.774206, Longitude: -104.943246

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vicente Rascon


    One of the best gyms i have had the pleasure of working out at. I've been here for 3 months & already have seen amazing results. The trainers are great, professional & interested in seeing you succeed. I would recommend this gym to anyone looking to get in shape.

  • Samantha Brenner

    Samantha Brenner


    I moved to Denver just a few months ago, and finding a great gym community was the #1 priority in my first few weeks of settling in. I tried 6 or 7 other well-known gyms around City Park, Uptown, and Cap Hill. Warehouse 41 was by far the least intimidating and most welcoming experience from the start. The coaches are excellent, the equipment is top-notch, and the other members are friendly and fun. In a few months, I've seen incredible progress on my max lifts, confidence in the gym, and overall endurance.

  • Michael Coiner

    Michael Coiner


    I was in town for a few days and stopped by one morning for a workout. So glad I did! I was extremely impressed with this gym. The programming was awesome. I felt challenged but not like I was incapable of completing the exercises. The class was structured very efficiently and it felt like we seamlessly moved from set to set with no complicated equipment to set up or take down between exercises (something I deal with at my current gym). It was quick, simple and easy to understand. The gym itself is pretty great, too. Warehouse gyms can be awesome, but they can also be...well...a gym in a warehouse. W41 is clearly on the awesome side. Taylor was the trainer that day. He is incredible. He was very friendly and approachable and, even though I was only there for one class, still took the time to talk with me and ask me questions about myself. It made me feel right at home and that is very important for someone visiting a gym alone for the first time. Between the stellar personality of Taylor and the solid programming, I would definitely say this would be my gym of choice if I lived in Denver. Check it out! Highly recommended!

  • en

    Kate Magoon


    Great gym! The atmosphere here is not intimidating at all, even to total weightlifting noobs like me. The trainers are knowledgeable and focus on good form and injury prevention. The workouts are fun and the environment is positive with lots of encouragement from fellow athletes. Payment and scheduling is all handled online, which is super-convenient. With the recently expanded class schedule Warehouse 41 offers 6 classes per day, Monday-Friday, which makes it easy to fit workouts into your schedule. If you’re looking for a new gym, check them out!

  • Brittny Cole

    Brittny Cole


    I highly recommend this gym to anyone who is interested or who already has weight lifting experience. They have created a space where exercising can be fun and safe. They care about your well-being and know the importance of good form and listening to your body.

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