Wantagh Ny Garage Door Repair i Bellmore

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Elaine Street, 11710, Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-366-3387
internet side: wantaghnygaragedoorrepair.com
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Latitude: 40.6521015, Longitude: -73.5219015

kommentar 4

  • L Walker

    L Walker


    I had a little difficulty with our garage door this afternoon but Antonio from Wantagh Ny Garage Door Repair was very prompt and professional in fixing it. He was also very friendly! I am really satisfied! Highly recommended!!!

  • Greyson Mata

    Greyson Mata


    Keep up the outstanding work you guys! You will always be our number one company to call for our regular garage door maintenance. You always do an amazing work.

  • Lee Bartlett

    Lee Bartlett


    Superb, knowledgeable, and expert technicians is one of the reasons why I trust and use Wantagh Ny Garage Door Repair aside from their high-quality services, quick response and reasonable price rate. They always keep me informed and gives options that suits best for me. I recommend this company.

  • Calvin H

    Calvin H


    I am very pleased with how our garage doors turned out after the repair. Definitely Wantagh Ny Garage Door Repair is the one to call regarding this matter. Worth every penny paid and I got more than what I had paid. Highly recommended!

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