Walmart Vision & Glasses i Phoenix

Forenede StaterWalmart Vision & Glasses


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6150, South 35th Avenue, 85041, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 602-243-8523
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Latitude: 33.3906186, Longitude: -112.1369049

kommentar 5

  • Don Franks

    Don Franks


    I broke the frame of my glasses at work and thought I would need to pay for the repair. I found out that the frame was still under warranty (Yeah!). Dale was very patient and diligent to locate the frame in-store. I gave him the pieces of the frame and lenses and he was back with the replacement, same day, in about 15 minutes. Thanks Dale for great customer service.

  • Juana Remigio

    Juana Remigio


    Waited patiently about an hour for the one worker to help us. It was almost her closing time, the people she was helping before walked out because she was in the back laughing and talking on her personal cell phone. When she finally came to us, all we needed was my glasses fixed, they broke. She couldn't help us because she claimed her system is SLOW. She literally told us to go to the walmart we got them from because her system was taking forever to load up. But we came to this one because it was fast and convient and easy to go to. The walmart we originally went to is far and is quite a ways to go. So we got frustrated and left and couldn't believe she told us to go back to the walmart we got our glasses from. So the Walmart website should not garantee on their website that you can just take your broken glasses back to any walmart and get them fixed.

  • en

    First Ladyee


    I am giving them a 3 because I have been a patient of theirs since 2013. I have always experienced long wait times and was ok with that because the Dr. there is awesome. She is very helpful and I really do like her. The issue I have is the staff that work there. When I ordered my glasses the girl who helped me put the wrong prescription into the computer. When I got my glasses I called and told them they didn't feel right. I was told to keep trying that my eyes had to get use to them. When I couldn't take it any longer I went back to find out the prescription was not right. I thought due to their error I would get them back faster. Nope. Still waiting. I will try somewhere new next year for sure.

  • lance thorson

    lance thorson


    Best deals and quality we can find for children's classes.

  • Yessy Gal

    Yessy Gal


    So mad!!! I called to set up an appointment at the VISION CENTER on Thursday spoke to Dale and I come in on Saturday for my appointment, just for them to tell me no one had set it up. To top it off Anne the "Vision Center Manager" was snappy and had an attitude as if I was inconveniencing her and was very NONCHALANT AND CARELESS. Manager my ass! GET IT TOGETHER ANNE!!!!

nærmeste Butik

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