Walmart Vision & Glasses w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneWalmart Vision & Glasses



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3412, College Avenue, 92115, San Diego, San Diego County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 619-858-0071
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Latitude: 32.741663, Longitude: -117.053585

komentarze 5

  • Javier Manjarrez

    Javier Manjarrez


    I have the best experience on this place doctor was super professional i love my grasses and never no problems i recommend 100% this Walmart vision center in college ave thank you for my new vision because my grasses are my vision blessings

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    Lan Lai


    Hello the world! I just stepped out from this place and I know for sure I won't come back anymore. I have been trusting them for their services and when I really need help, they turned their back on me. Every time I bought new glasses for my husband, I always buy insurance for them, just in case. I still have more than 9 months left of the guarantee I bought. When I buy it, the person who helped me said that if the glasses break or scratch, they will replace them for me. And now, when my husband wears them, they are very hard to see because of the scratchy lenses. I told them to anyhow they can fix them, I don't want to replace them though. And they told me only if they have deep scratch or break. I don't want to be lie, but if I broke them on purpose because of this situation. They will tell me that they are physical damage...and will be deny to do any further...I'll bet! They said that because my husband using his shirt to clean the lenses and doing it dry...what the hell!!!! He's been wearing glasses since he was a teenager...come on...He is now more than fifty years old. He should know what he is doing people! I told the person there who helped me that my husband using the stuffs I bought from the store to clean the glasses. They didn't believe me...too bad!!! I STILL HAVE MORE THAN 9 MONTHS OF MY PROTECTION PLAN, WHAT SHOULD I DO??? I KNOW THAT I WON'T RECOMMEND TO ANYONE I KNOW TO COME HERE, THIS PLACE FOR GLASSES OR ANYTHING RELATED TO...PROTECTION PLAN HERE IS USELESS!!!!

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    maricel sanchez


    Omg. I have very bad experience in this place. I paid $189. and give me wrong prescription. I don't even used my glasses. Haist😕... Just waste my time and money. I just dont want to bring it back because I dont trust them anymore. Hope you don't have same experience as I have.

  • Cheli P

    Cheli P


    Exactly 2 weeks to get my glasses. Called right at 2 weeks they said they'd call in 30 mins. Get to the store after an hour ask for the glasses and some lady said that I was told to call back at 5pm. No one told me to call back 5. Glasses are already shipped to the store they just have to look through them. Sorry to make you do your job to get my glasses. lady comes out with my glasses and she's just mad that I made her do her job. Do what you're paid to do Definitely going to another location to get my next glasses.

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    Cortland Williams


    I had a good experience at this particular Walmart Vision Center. Sandra helped me get in to see the optometrist within 45 minutes of my arrival. She helped me pick out some frames while I was waiting to see the doctor for my eye exam. Sandra in particular was very friendly, attentive and helpful. My doctor was very friendly as well. Overall, a great experience. Walmart offers a 2 year extended warranty that protects against breaks/accidents that I haven't been able to find at any other retailers which is AWESOME!

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