Walmart Supercenter w Harahan

Stany ZjednoczoneWalmart Supercenter



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5110, Jefferson Highway, 70123, Harahan, Jefferson Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-733-4923
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.9500719, Longitude: -90.1797154

komentarze 5

  • Meme's BBL Journey

    Meme's BBL Journey


    Went to see if they had any WWE shirts like were advertised online, didn't have any. They needed to restock on a lot of things. Got through the line pretty quickly though. One of the cleaner walmarts I've been to

  • en

    Gerard Miller


    Worst place ever. Waited 1 hour to get a fishing license and still never got it. They paged 5 times over the intercom for assistance and walked off and nobody ever came. After about 45 minutes of waiting I grabbed the phone and started making my own announcement for assistance and still nobody ever came. Every Walmart I go to is like this. They should just discontinue the Walmart chain cause it’s not worth a *****.

  • taara treadway

    taara treadway


    This is probably the worse Wal-Mart in my area. They don't keep up stock and the employees are rude. I usually self check to avoid them. I gave them 2 stars because their gas prices are usually good.

  • en



    This wall mart was very neat and clean. The market area looked fresh and organized. Friendly service and some of the shortest check out lines I've ever encountered at any WalMart. And of course, everyday low prices on pretty much anything... My visit here was a pleasant one.

  • en

    Himanshu Chokhawala


    Considering 24 hour supermarket, you can go for a last minute buying. The prices of all packaged items and goods are cheapest than any other stores. The vegetables and fruits are not the cheapest. The best thing about Walmart is that you find anything that you are looking for and that too in good variety. The seasonal ailes are placed at appropriately and timely manner. The return policy is also good. Garden section has decors as per the season. Clearance section after season is over can get you some great deals too. Cosmetics of same brand are cheaper than other stores. Check out do not take lot of time. The quality of clothes here are not something I look forward too.

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