Walmart Supercenter i Aurora

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWalmart Supercenter



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14000, East Exposition Avenue, 80012, Aurora, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 303-368-1115
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Latitude: 39.7019711, Longitude: -104.8262081

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tricia Namasté


    This Walmart has a huge parking lot so you have unlimited spaces the only downside I noticed was some of the cashiers were pretty pretty dead inside they have some life in their eyes but their soul is gone. Other than the fact of there being 3 regular registers open for people with large orders the self-service section seem to be moving pretty fast. Overall I will never return

  • Cerena Rose

    Cerena Rose


    Decent place to get groceries, but double check those vegetables. I've found that the fresh fruits and vegetables are not so fresh all the time. Other groceries are just fine, and cheap for your needs. Clothing, house and office supplies, toys, and all the other departments have good selections and mostly everything you're looking for when on a budget. The customer service however, could be a lot better. They have a greeter that greets you when you walk in. But if you need assistance with anything in the store, good luck finding someone to help you. Most of the time, they don't even know the answers to your questions, when you do find someone. Most commonly, you'll find an employee, gathered with 2 or 3 other employees, just talking and joining with themselves, and ignoring you. I can count how many times I've sat there, while they have not even acknowledged me, and when they finally did, treated me as though I was bothering them. I would suggest going here with a game plan of knowing exactly what you need, and getting out. If you're not sure if they carry something, look online first. If you need to search for it in store or need help, go elsewhere. ***Also: There seems to be a wonderful odor of something rotting with mold down the main aisle between the fruits/vegetables and seasonal/toy aisles. Careful to those who have sensitive noses.***

  • Cynthia Carlson

    Cynthia Carlson


    I've been to two stores, hands down the one in Thornton is the best! Clean, organized and the workers are pleasant and helpful! However, the on in Aurora, dirty, workers are rude and this place is good for groceries. Clothing area looks and feels like it's an after thought. Ugh!

  • Jude Mensah

    Jude Mensah


    Nice place. They have a lot of stuff. And the employees are okay. I don’t usually talk much so I’ve not had to have a conversation with anyone in the store. I shop here all the time. No complaints

  • Anna Smith

    Anna Smith


    Few lines open during busiest hours. Hot food has declined in quality as well. Prices are good. Many employees go above and beyond while others don't, typical customer service from a larger chain.

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