Walgreens w Cambridge

Stany ZjednoczoneWalgreens



🕗 godziny otwarcia

625, Massachusetts Avenue, 02139, Cambridge, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-491-8157
strona internetowej: www.walgreens.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.365484, Longitude: -71.1033539

komentarze 5

  • Ertuğrul Uysal

    Ertuğrul Uysal


    The people at the photo section are always friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Amy Harris


    Poorly staffed always a long wait. Cvs across the street is nicer

  • Alex Conqer

    Alex Conqer


    Had a very bad experience here. my son had a small cold and we dont live to far from this location so i asked a neighbor to watch my boys while i headed over to pick up some things for him. im still new at this so was fidgeting around the medicine aisle trying to find something i could trust and the security guard was just starring at me, i walked to the can goods looking for soup and i see him peaking around the corner and that pissed me off because i've had a couple racist encounters because of my beard usually when i go out alone. i asked him if he needed something and he said no just doing my job which made me furious i told him he should stand at the entrance to make sure no one runs out with anything and he responded that loss prevention can be done anywhere not just the entrance, so i told him well i'm not stealing anything and you are making me uncomfortable, he continued eyeing me the whole time and made my quick trip longer, so i will never be coming back here.

  • Juan Derade

    Juan Derade


    I have never had a problem with the pharmacy here, i drop of my prescription and go back home or sometimes walk around they usually estimate the wait time for me and if its a few minutes i shop any longer i usually leave and come back and they have it on time

  • en

    Tony Zhang


    They offer only US Passport sized photos, you need to go across the street to CVS for other sizes.

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