Walgreens w Sayreville

Stany ZjednoczoneWalgreens



🕗 godziny otwarcia

521, Raritan Street, 08872, Sayreville, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-838-0446
strona internetowej: www.walgreens.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.4783331, Longitude: -74.2970341

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicole McTonic


    I just got out of the hospital with a complete spinal surgery with my entire back cut open and due for my meds. The staff is really unfriendly and said it would take at least an hour and nobody was waiting. I had to leave and they could care less. Disgusting to treat a patient like that.

  • en

    Tracie Cooper


    I was looking to have my Asthma medication refilled. I'm relatively new to the area and I'm still getting acclimated. Previously I used Wegmans pharmacy because I knew where they were located. Walgreens's is so much closer to my home, so I decided to have my refills done there. When I called to get the price I was told it was going to be $339.20 When I asked what and what about a rebate coupon, the service representative suggested I go to the internet to find it. REALLY... 😲 She also mentioned that I hadn't met my deductible and should call my insurance company. My co-pay at Wegmans was $0 last time. Needless to say I called Wegmans to have my prescription transferred back to them. With a $0 Co-pay and breathing much better now. Thanks to Wegmans Pharmacy for an excellent customer service experience. Walgreens's didn't care and didn't try to accommodate me in any way what so ever. NEVER AGAIN....

  • Mikee535



    You can ship and receive FedEx packages here..

  • en

    Priya Deol


    It's a big store and there customer service is good.

  • en

    Bhavesh Desai


    I called pharmacy to find out if they do MMR and how much it cost. First asked to come in and then asked for cash price, she mentioned system hanged call back after 1 hour. Seems they are not interested.

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