Walgreens w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneWalgreens



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2000, East Colfax Avenue, 80206, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-331-0917
strona internetowej: www.walgreens.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7397221, Longitude: -104.9630544

komentarze 5

  • Drea J

    Drea J


    Busy store, tough customer population. You can tell the store manager and pharmacy work hard, but like most Walgreens stores it is typically understaffed and has difficulty keeping up with the volume.

  • Rotten Robbie

    Rotten Robbie


    Walgreens is yet another capitalist soul-sucking institution trying to crush the proletariat and exploit the working class. Boycotting, divesting from and sanctioning Walgreen's is the first step in freeing ourselves from the bourgeoisie and ensuring a new Marxist-Leninist future

  • en

    Corey Ortiz


    This place has the worst pharmacy people anywhere. Called in a script, went in when notified. Absolutely nobody was there but it actually wasn't ready so I sat and waited. I then watched customer after customer come in, drop off prescription sheets, leave, return and receive their med for almost 2 more hours. I finally asked the lady how come my early prescription still wasn't ready but others are coming b and going? She began some BS excuses only to findbit b immediately. She got so lost doing intake that she stopped helping me and, by the end, the rest of the people that came in after me and waited. This entire store needs an overhaul and are not capable of assisting in people's serious health matters. At what point is this just neglegent given how many of the same complaints get filed?

  • Hayley Marie

    Hayley Marie


    The male pharmacist with glasses and gelled brown hair is incredibly mean. He's not really the type of person who should interact with customers, because he's aggressive and rude. Edit: It also took 50 minutes without a single person in front of me.

  • en

    Jason Arment


    Friendly staff, but the selection is limited. For instance, they don’t have bathroom rugs, and only one shower mat. Many of the things one would think they could get from Walgreens aren’t here. But it is good for basic first aid supply and the like.

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