Walgreens w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneWalgreens



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1530, North Meridian Street, 46202, Indianapolis, Marion County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 317-261-1753
strona internetowej: www.walgreens.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7877553, Longitude: -86.1576836

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ruby Degante


    Horrible experience. Cashier KATRINA!! Always has an attitude. She even talks back to customers. Whats going on walgreens with your customer service ! Its going down the drain in this store with employees like that.

  • Hana Belden

    Hana Belden


    On May 16 I went into Walgreens to get my RX and I was heckled and watched as I walked in by a group of men outside the front door. After getting my RX and walking back out of the Walgreens I was again watched. I quickly made my way to my car, and one of the men followed me to my car and proceeded to get up against my car and knock on my window to try to get me to open my door. I left as quickly as I could and called Walgreens later to tell the manager what had happen so they could attempt to prevent this in the future. When I called, I explained the situation to the manager and she explained to me that my complaint was not the only one they received that evening and that the police were on there way to take care of the situation. I give 2 stars because people should be able to feel safe when they go in to get their prescriptions and not feel threatened! Only reason I did not give 1 star is because of the way that the manager handled the situation. NOT A SAFE PLACE!!!

  • Monica Roman

    Monica Roman


    On May 16 I went into the pharmacy @ 7am to see about picking up a prescription that my daughter's Dr had called in for her a few days prior. My daughter is pregnant & is deathly sick without this medicine. She literally cannot function. The pharmacy wasn't open yet but the door to the pharmacy was cracked open. I stuck my head in & spoke to the pharmacist on duty & explained the situation. She wasn't happy about having to stop her opening duties but she did it with a smile & filled the prescription. She literally saved my daughter's day. She was amazing. Thank u Monica!!!!

  • Jason Duvall

    Jason Duvall


    Its better than not having a Walgreens at this location. I like that they have a mini grocery store inside. The staff is nice also.

  • en

    Kim DeVane


    I love this Walgreens. I was a dedicated CVS shopper until I stopped at this Walgreens. It has the best staff of any Walgreens or CVS I have shopped at in Indianapolis. They go above and beyond to help you find what you need, know what the coupon deals are that day, and that you get all your points on card. I dropped a glass candle or something several months ago, and one of the young ladies at the store, immediately came to help me. Everybody there is outstanding. Unfortunately I'm not sure whatever this store has is contagious. I stopped at a far Northside Walgreens recently and I remembered why I didn't like Walgreens. The staff at those locations were not very helpful. and the stores were not as clean and well stocked. So kudos to THIS Walgreens.

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