Walgreens i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterWalgreens



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101, South Tryon Street, 28280, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-334-6262
internet side: www.walgreens.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2265922, Longitude: -80.8427399

kommentar 5

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    Corrine Huffman


    This morning I went to this Walgreens to pick up essentials. As I was shopping I was confronted by a very rude security officer saying "Leave your book bag up front" with no explanation as to why. I asked her the issue and she stated for security reasons with the nastiest attitude I could ever imagine coming from someone. I simply just wanted to get what I needed and to go to work. My morning was ruined by a unprofessional security officer. Rule of thumb: if you're going to have security officers please express the importance of how they treat your customers. As a regular customer I am very disappointed on this situation and I will not be visiting this Walgreens ever again.

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    David Cook


    I'm not sure how this place is managed, but... There is absolutely no reason for the amount of people waiting in line at any given time of the day. Meanwhile, cashiers are chit chatting with customers who are simply just trying to buy one item and get out of there. I've personally stood in line watching as customer after customer was forced into gabbing with the cashier. I get it, make it a personal experience...but 99% of the people there aren't looking forward to spending even more time talking about the items they bought, whether this or that vitamin really works, and where we are going on vacation that we need travel sized shampoo. Tell your cashiers to stop get people through the purchase quickly and move on. I promise you that line will shorten and move faster....and you'll avoid the several customers a day that simply go to CVS to avoid the hassle.

  • Tatiana Murga

    Tatiana Murga


    The worst drug store I’ve ever dealt with. Pharmacy is forever closed. Called 2 times to find out when pharmacy Is Open, over the phone I was told “till 7pm today”. Went over there 3 times before 7pm and in was closed. Finally made it over there on Monday around 6pm, they asked for my healthcare insurance card, I provided (my prescription was already there ready for pick up), then they asked for CVS drug card (never heard of it before, never had it), lady over the counter said that I can’t pick up my prescription without it otherwise I should pay $99. Extremely complex, inefficient and disappointing. Oh and there are lots of homeless people and drug addicts nearby and of course no parking. Unpleasant experience.

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    Ieesha Taylor


    Worst customer service. Pharmacy staff very rude. NO one is ever happy or acts as if they care about the customers. So many frowns, not a pleasant atmosphere. 0 stars

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    Dan Hackmeyer


    Short gray haired lady named Margaret is by far the absolute rudest person I have known in my 10 years living in Charlotte. She rides the same bus as I do in the morning and she has often cursed out the driver and other passengers. When I learned she is a cashier at Walgreens, I started fearing for the customers who have to deal with her. She has no qualms about shooting her mouth off at others and she might want to consider a line of work with little or no customer interaction. She is truly a major liability to this corporation.

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