Waikiki Marina Resort at the Ilikai i Honolulu

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Forenede StaterWaikiki Marina Resort at the Ilikai



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1777, Ala Moana Boulevard, 96815, Honolulu, Honolulu County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 808-955-7644
internet side: www.extraholidays.com
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Latitude: 21.2843741, Longitude: -157.8384469

kommentar 5

  • Wendi Murray

    Wendi Murray


    This was our best place we stayed at. We got the suite king bed. It came with a kitchen and stainless steel pan(no one provides good pans!) . The beds were comfortable! We had such an amazing stay. I would definitely stay again. Staff was super helpful and pleasant. I wish I got pictures inside, the shower was walk in shower and perfect! Most showers are so gross elsewhere! We had a street view and the noise had us never opening the sliding door but it was such a great stay, I really didn’t mind. Everything was perfect! We parked right underneath the hotel at a rate of $1 per hour at night and used the free beach parking in the day. It was perfect.

  • Sherry Watkins

    Sherry Watkins


    Ugly hotel, it's not a resort but they charge a resort fee. Run down place. Rooms are nasty, rust in tubs n sink. Rooms are small. Don't stay here, it's not worth it, it's like staying at a motel8

  • Pamela Donato

    Pamela Donato


    Short walk to Waikiki beach with a nice tide pool for smaller children. The studio room has a very comfortable king size bed, complete kitchen, sofa, tv, and desk. We have a lovely view of downtown Honolulu. The concierge desk has been very helpful with recommendations and booking outings. Shops on the lobby level are quite expensive, but there are others within walking distance. We found a rental car unnecessary in the city and uswd Uber a few times for trips a bit too far to walk.

  • Kayla Hall

    Kayla Hall


    This one of the oldest resort in Hawaii. Our room was newly remodeled. We had plenty of hot water. Our kitchen had coffee and plenty of dishes to use as we wish. The linen was clean and fresh. We controlled the air in the room. Wi-Fi was included and worked. Cable as well. Everything was great. The workout room was the only downfall that and one of the pools closed at 6pm. But this is a great option for vacation stay!

  • Mark Vallejo

    Mark Vallejo


    Good location. Close to everything, food, drink and the beaches. Fairly close to Gas and freeway access. I don't like that posted pool hours say 6 but they actually kick you out at 5:30 because it takes a half hour to clean the pool after you leave. Housekeeping is only once a week. A major plus if it's important to you is that there is laundry facilities on every floor. Definitely a family friendly hotel as most are I'm assuming since this is such a vacation spot. Friendly staff as most are here in Honolulu

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