Waddell Chiropractic Clinic in Keller

Vereinigte StaatenWaddell Chiropractic Clinic


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421, Keller Parkway, 76248, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 817-431-8881
webseite: www.chiromax.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.9352647, Longitude: -97.245479

kommentare 5

  • Angela Prati

    Angela Prati


    The absolute best. He listens to your concerns, makes his adjustment and takes action to get you on the path to a healthier you. He's honest and wants you on the road to recovery. Always makes suggestions to help you between visits. I suggest him to all my family and friends

  • Bobbie Sanchez

    Bobbie Sanchez


    Dr. Max Waddell was a God-send! My 9 year old son had been suffering from headaches for a year and no Pediatrician, Allergist or Neurologist could make them go away or even tell us why it was happening! 1 consult with Dr. Max and he was almost certain he could help. Not only that, but he could explain to us why the headaches were happening! 1 adjustment in a matter of seconds and a headache my son had had for a week, was instantly gone! The biggest smile came over his face and tears filled my eyes. Not only did Dr. Max bring physical relief, but he and his entire staff are world class with their customer service and bed-side manner. Friendliest, most helpful, professionals around!! 5 stars is not enough!!

  • McKenna Estelle

    McKenna Estelle


    I absolutely love Dr. Waddell! My son was a little behind in his walking and I had him checked by Dr. Waddell and he did a quick adjustment. A week later, my son started walking! My son made no attempt to walk prior to the adjustment and almost acted as if it hurt to walk. But after Dr. Waddell worked his magic, my son was eager! Im so happy with the service. The staff is always super friendly and helpful!

  • en

    Tony Tucker


    Dr. Waddell and Monica are the best. I wish the rest of the medical field would model after their clinic. Great service, good rates and actual results. I don't go enough but they are a remendous help when I need them.

  • Tjibbe de Jong

    Tjibbe de Jong


    Love this guy!!! Thanks Dr. W for all you and your staff have done for our family

nächste Gesundheit

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