W R Johnson Co Inc i Stamford

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28, Scofield Avenue, 06906, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-324-9571
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Latitude: 41.0694823, Longitude: -73.5251542

kommentar 1

  • Terrence Moduthagam

    Terrence Moduthagam


    Having interviewed several plumbers in a 10 mile radius, it was advised that we go with this vendor for our needs because folks in our building used him. We can not tell you how DISSATISFIED we were with the the company and their ability to problem solve for our pretty straight forward needs (installing a vanity, toilet, sink, etc) as we were renovating our condo. He brings whole new meaning to the idea of nickle-and-diming people for more money. He made my contractor do unnecessary work costing us more, telling us things couldn't be accomplished without additional work and ultimately everything was done after a lot of headaches are arguing back and forth. Additionally, there was a minor drip on our new kitchen cabinets that we noticed a couple months after paying him only to have him come by, spend 10 minutes to tighten the faulty work causing the drip, and THEN invoice us $190 for the additional time :) talk about stellar customer service. We can stress this enough how no one should see plumbing from this. And if there any doubts to the validity in this post, take a look at this work. It's a miracle the state of CT still allows this guy to do business after the headaches that he put us through for such simple plumbing work. I strongly advise that if you're looking for plumbing services, you seek other help.

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