W H Ryan Plumbing & Heating w Ossining

Stany ZjednoczoneW H Ryan Plumbing & Heating


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

90, Hunter Street, 10562, Ossining, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-762-7900
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.154415, Longitude: -73.868742

komentarze 4

  • Clark Fendrich

    Clark Fendrich


    Had huge jump in water bill. Called Ryan Plumbing to check if there was a leak. Guys showed up and were nice. They determined there was no running water thus no current leak. They pointed out that water meter was all clouded and unable to read. Suggested there might be a problem with the meter. I called water department to have them check meter. Their plummer was VERY rude and accusatory insisting on checking all bathrooms and toilets to access if we recently fixed leaks. He said the meter was working fine and was angry that our plummer suggested meter could be issue. He asked who our plummer was and immediately called Ryan. Long story short when we get our bill from Ryan it is noted that there might have been running toilets and thus no leak to repair. Ryan's guys never said anything to me about my toilets or even looked at them. Is it possible Ryan added this note to my bill to support his friends at the water department? I still don't know why my water bill spiked for that one billing period and am stuck with paying the water department $1100.00 instead of $200.00.

  • Tiia Sahni

    Tiia Sahni


    Long time customer - it took 3 days of calling to finally make an appointment. On the day of the appointment I was going to catch a slightly later train to work in the morning, still hoping to get a parking space. Waited, waited, over 30 min past appointment time - nobody called and nobody showed up. I find that extremely irresponsible.

  • en

    Herb Rude


    .After posting a negative review, Vinnie showed up and has been very cooperative in attempting to solve our problem

  • en

    Julian Dunford


    Very responsive to requests for quotation, competitive pricing and effective and efficient work. all staff very customer service orientated.

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