W Bellevue w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneW Bellevue


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

10455, Northeast 5th Place, 98004, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 425-709-9000
strona internetowej: www.marriott.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6145236, Longitude: -122.200883

komentarze 5

  • Kristin Schoenfelder

    Kristin Schoenfelder


    We had an absolutely wonderful time at this hotel last weekend! We were celebrating our anniversary - after checking in, we walked into champagne on ice and chocolate covered strawberries in our room, along with a sweet note from the W Hotel Concierge staff! We were also upgraded to a nicer room, all complimentary from the hotel. Julie and Matthew at the front desk were the friendliest, most helpful 2 people I have ever dealt with at a hotel. They always greeted us with a smile every time we walked by, gave us drink coupons twice to the on-site Living Room Lounge, and truly went above and beyond to make sure our stay was amazing. I used to work in hotels so I have high expectations of hotel service. I have also stayed in several W Hotels and can say that this one was the best experience of them all! A giant thank you for making our anniversary weekend extra special!

  • Vincent Randy Heslop

    Vincent Randy Heslop


    This W hotel has the uniqueness you expect, found in a great location in Bellevue. The bar is lively on the weekends, serving tasty cocktails and worth a visit. Prices are reasonably and rooms are comfy. FOLLOW ME for more thoughtful recommendations as I travel the world 🌎

  • Jim Finn

    Jim Finn


    The W in Bellevue is a very comfortable modern hotel. The staff were friendly enough but nothing stood out on this stay. The room was modern, comfortable, spacious and well equipped. The glass shower in the middle of the room is fine for a solo traveler or a couple but may not work for a family or others. The facility is well appointed and good looking though the "business center" printer was not working, and the conference room did not compare to the quality of the rest of the property. The main lounge with the outdoor balcony was not well staffed, but was a good looking space. The speakeasy night spot on the first floor was a much better more lively spot and was fantastic. The selection of mixed drinks and diversity of liquor options was deep and high quality and tge service was swift, attentive and unobtrusive. This is a spot worth revisiting. Overall this is a good choice for a hotel in the area, but I don't like how buried into the surrounding building this hotel is because it makes it difficult to locate and cumbersome to walk out of into the surrounding neighborhood. Overall this is a good but not a great choice for lodging in the Bellevue area.

  • Peggy Alley

    Peggy Alley


    Gorgeous hotel in a perfect location! Very impressed to receive an email from a hotel manager before our two-night stay. He wanted to know of any special requests we had. My husband asked if we might have a room on a higher floor with a view of the Seattle skyline. Not only were we given an upgraded room on the top floor, but we had a beautiful view of the city. Thank you so much for going above and beyond for us. If only all hotels were like the Bellevue W...traveling would be so much more enjoyable.

  • Jaeden D

    Jaeden D


    W Bellevue provides the level of service, luxury, and uniqueness that one expects from the W line. I received an upgrade to a suite as a Titanium Elite member, which was spacious, beautiful, and much appreciated. The front desk staff was friendly and attentive. I ordered breakfast daily from the on-site restaurant which was delicious, but had major delays multiple mornings. The front desk staff did offer what they could to rectify the situation, which I appreciated. The hotel is well-appointed with nice decor and daily housekeeping did a great job. I visit the Seattle area often and will definitely stay here again when in the Bellevue/Kirkland area.

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