Vitalife's Beauty Outlet en Fairfield

Estados UnidosVitalife's Beauty Outlet



🕗 horarios

461, U.S. 46, 07004, Fairfield, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-706-7272
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8860159, Longitude: -74.2854469

comentarios 4

  • Markr7777



    Great prices good variety

  • en

    LZ Green


    Bummed that they moved as they were so close to my home, but worth the drive. Best prices on salon products and great selection. Ask for something if you don't see it and they can sometimes order it for you.

  • tracy merino

    tracy merino


    I left today from this store at 7:20pm. I am a customer and liked this place because it has much more competitive prices compared to ulta /Sephora and the girls a super helpful. I bought an item and its nozzle broke by the second use. When I explained that to the guy and Asked for an even exchange or to buy a higher priced item he said that he is not allowed and basically pointed out what I paid. ( Which should not matter if the item is defective.)When I pushed back he literally threw the item and said I'm not going to fight for this. I never saw this type of customer service and anger over a simple exchange with a valid reason. Even the employee next him stiffed up after he threw the item. Even though I got the even exchange.. His attitude was horrendous. This is the first time I felt completely uncomfortable leaving your establishment.

  • hayley pross

    hayley pross


Salón de belleza más cercano

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