Vital Plus Pharmacy w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneVital Plus Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, West Broadway, 07505, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 862-267-0385
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9194519, Longitude: -74.1732177

komentarze 5

  • melissa matos

    melissa matos


    This is the best pharmacy I've ever been to. The pharmacist's are very sweet and caring!!! If you have an issue with your prescriptions they will help you to the best of their ability. They give you a drink if you need one whether it coffee or water or juice. They are very fast in getting your prescriptions ready if they are not ready already. They get to know their clients. I have a great friendship with my pharmacist! I love you guys




    Nice independent pharmacy. Their prescription drugs are fairly affordable and they have a vast selection of standard toiletries, otc, beauty products, toys, and many other items.. They fax and do print/ copy services, also help me with questions. They even did a notary for me as well. They're also super nice and even took me as a new patient five minutes before closing AND convenient, the service is out of this world!

  • Miguel Cabrera

    Miguel Cabrera


    great co, great laughs, great staff, always there to help me. Great pharmacy and OTC advice. Beautiful decor, best looking pharmacy in Paterson and surrounding area.

  • Dawud R.

    Dawud R.


    They’re always extremely helpful and friendly. They go above and beyond to help me when I’m having an issue of some sort. They’ve even stayed open and later and waited for me so I can pick up my much needed prescriptions, when I was stuck in traffic.

  • en

    Md Miah


    Excellent home town pharmacy! Very knowledgeable and friendly pharmacist and staff. Always help out with anything you need and they do everything in a very timely manner. My favorite pharmacy by far!

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