Visionworks w Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneVisionworks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

South Dobson Road, 85202, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-894-2020
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.3791673, Longitude: -111.8780357

komentarze 5

  • Danielle Leal

    Danielle Leal


    Worthless glasses I can barely see out of them, stay away from this place.

  • en

    Roger Hallare


    This review is entirely based on the professionalism or lack of the optometrist here at this specific vision works location and price spent for lenses. Dr. Ng I believe was her name completely did not build any rapport with me nor spent an entire 5 minutes for the entire eye exam. Ridiculous, how am I suppose to tell you my concerns when the Dr. is such in a hurry to leave? She even scorned at me to not touch my glasses during the exam, and seemed irritated when I couldn’t decide on the clarity of the lens. I’m definitely not going back for an eye exam though they did have plenty of selections for lenses. Note I believe some of the lenses/frames they carry are a bit overpriced for the quality you get. Seriously what is Blue Moon frames? Beer company? Nope, looked it up and it’s visionworks own frame, probably a partnership with a knockoff Chinese brand. May want to take consideration before coming here.

  • Hira Ali

    Hira Ali


    Been here several times. Staff if very pleasant. BUT... Prescription mess up for 3 people in the family. One of us almost fell down the stairs because of the faulty prescription. Also scheduled a follow-up, no one to meet with me and talk about my problem. The tech ran to the doctor and back answering questions. (I don't understand the point of my appointment...??) Not happy with service.

  • Amber Johnston

    Amber Johnston


    Been coming here for two years now. It's very easy to get an appointment, especially with the doctor being there on Saturdays. Dr. NG is very knowledgeable and efficient. They recently remodeled too and the store is always organized and clean.

  • David Paul

    David Paul


    Was in this store yesterday, 6-24-17, after having a very bad experience with a competitor. I was warmly greeted by Megan as I walked through the door, was in the other place 2 hours and never acknowledged. Megan immediately asked what they could do for me and began to help me look for frames. We found a pair of frames I liked and she smoothly transitioned me over to another employee, Saint, who finished up my order in a timely manner. As stated, I had been at the competitor for two hours and Megan and Saint took care of my needs with very pleasant personalities within probably 25-30 minutes. This was a VERY PLEASINGLY experience and I have already posted to my Facebook directing my friends in the East Valley to your store. You all were fantastic and obviously the "A Team" for Visionworks. You earned a lifetime customer yesterday and I would recommend a raise for everyone at this store. You all work as a well oiled machine. Thank you doesn't seem to express exactly how I feel but that will have to suffice until better words are invented. I know to anyone that may be reading this review that it sounds like one of those made up reviews but it is NOT. I was so frustrated when I left Eyeglass World and will never go back into one of their stores ever. The team at Visionworks took care of me so well that I just had to sing their praises. I was at one time a Journalism major in college which explains my wordiness with this review but had to make sure I covered every point. Thanks again to Megan, Saint and the team at Visionworks at Dobson & Baseline!

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