Visionary Martial Arts w North Richland Hills

Stany ZjednoczoneVisionary Martial Arts



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6410, Rufe Snow Drive, 76148, North Richland Hills, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-485-4448
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8621329, Longitude: -97.2369647

komentarze 5

  • en

    james byam


    My kids love it here. The instructors are great with kids and management is easy to work with!!!!! And it's right next door !

  • Bald Guy

    Bald Guy


    I am so impressed with this martial arts school! The Chief Instructor, Mrs. Safar, is a two time World Champion and teaches with integrity and passion. She's so patient and attentive to the little kiddos. She's also respectful and kind as she challenges the teens and adults. The owner, Mr. Turner, has personally invested his time, talents, and years of business experience to guarantee a high quality program for you and/or your children. Together, Mr. Turner and Mrs. Safar run a safe, fun, and educational martial arts program centered around teaching respect, discipline, confidence, and focus. 👍👍

  • en

    Philip Mercer


    This school is head and shoulders above the competition! World Champion martial artists teaching kids and adult of all ages, with the best technique. The instructors are highly skilled and passionate about martial arts and helping their students reach their goals both on and off the mat!

  • en

    Jessica Fernandez


    Great taekwondo school! My kids love their instructors. Real high energy but at the same time disciplined. My family always looks forward to coming to class every week. I highly recommend it. Come and see for yourself..👍🏼😊

  • Tomi Moore

    Tomi Moore


    Our son has been enrolled at NRH ATA for about 10 months or so and really enjoys it. He really likes the instructor, Mr. Rogers, and his method of teaching the class really motivates my son to want to do well. Mr. Rogers does a good job of keeping the kids focused, and is able to discipline the kids when necessary in a firm but gentle manner.

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