Virile Barber & Shop w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneVirile Barber & Shop



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510, Jersey Avenue, 07302, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-685-7036
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7202783, Longitude: -74.0468216

komentarze 5

  • Ted vonGoop

    Ted vonGoop


    worth a visit! the barbers know what they are doing and the atmosphere is great

  • William Trimmer

    William Trimmer


    Great service, quick yet thorough.. Emmy is a talent!!

  • charles brucaliere

    charles brucaliere


    Kudos to Rich! He's an outstanding barber. Having worn my hair very long for many years I decided it was time for a change. He spent time talking me through a potentially traumatizing experience and worked with my "thin spots" to create a great look. He's great with beards too. I cant recommend him and Virile enough. Thanks to all.

  • Augie Ray

    Augie Ray


    Great barber shop--contemporary service and style with old-school flair. The barbers do a great job and are a nice bunch of people. It's the sort of place you want to hang out for a chat in addition to the cut, and it doesn't hurt that customers are offered a shot of whiskey or a beer when they arrive.

  • en

    Abhinav L


    Got quite an average haircut to be honest. It's possible that my expectations were a little high after hearing great reviews from a friend. The sides looked great but what's the point if it looks like a toxic island in the middle. I think the cut would have looked good on many other heads but definitely didn't work on mine as I have quite curly hair. The staff were extremely courteous and friendly. They also offer beer and other beverages which I courteously declined. I'm all for a great customer experience but a haircut for me personally is mostly about getting the job done. I'll probably give virile another try.

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