VIP Nails w Hawthorne

Stany ZjednoczoneVIP Nails



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206, Diamond Bridge Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-304-0099
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9488571, Longitude: -74.1543487

komentarze 5

  • Blanca Lama

    Blanca Lama


    Ride service!

  • Carol Vidovic

    Carol Vidovic


    I read previous reviews and tried this place despite the bad reviews figuring most were from last year. Well, the reviews don't lie and this was by far the worst nail salon I've ever been to! Asked for acrylic, told the woman before she started I didn't want glue and powder, she does it anyway and tells me its acrylic and thats how they do it. At this point it's really to late to leave, I went on my lunch hour and figured as long as it's filed right it'll be ok until I get them redone at my usual place. My nails were cut shorter than I wanted then filed crooked, asked her to straighten them out she said they were fine and wouldnt fix it. Design I got was simple and 1 color, charged $15 because it had glitter in the polish! Paid and extra $5 for gel top coat and left an hour and a half later. In total, this crummy not what I asked for fill-in with sub-standard gel cost me a total of $55!! Tonight I am just livid! Rinsed dishes with warm water to put in the dishwasher...the gel peeled right off my nails! It literally got soft, gloppy looking and peeled off! It's like they used thick clear nail polish! I'm not even going to mention the glue globs, under my nails and all over my skin! I really wish I could post a picture of the shoddy work this place does! Went back the next day, the woman that did my nails swore up and down she didn't do it but I'd need a new set to fix it! I think the shocked look on my face set her off, she started screaming at me, told me to get out and went in the back room and never came out. The other nail tech wouldnt look up from her phone. Do not go to this place, believe all the other bad reviews, they are true!

  • en

    Virginia Galizia


    This was the worse experience I ever had. My gift certificate was 1 day expired and they would not honor it. I decided to just pay, I was there already. The staff if very rude and discourteous. There is a man that just walks around and doesn't help at all. We were all just waiting. I love dogs, however, there was a little white dog running all around the place, jumping on me and licking my toes. The place was not clean and I was not pleased in that they did not seem to be disinfecting the instruments. The mani-pedi was $27 which is not cheap and it was sloppily done. They will never see me again and I live in town.

  • en

    Elisha Lee


    I always bite my nails and when ever I go to other nail salons I ask them to fix my nails the way I wanted it, but they never do it the way I wanted and always push me to do it there way. When I came to VIP Nails the lady did exactly the way I wanted my nails to look like! She was very lovely and kind to also give me advice on how to not bit my nails and also to take care of it properly. The employers there were very Excellent and made me feel welcomed. Plus there nail work was excellent and I loved it! Other nail shops would be very quite and not very interactive with the customers, but the VIP Nails employees talk to you like you knew them forever! They would tell and share stories to you and listen to your stories too. I just Love this nail shop and I am going there again for sure. I recommend this place!

  • en

    KC Brancato


    Be Sure to Visit VIP Nails at their new location, right next to Bagel Express. This is the best nail salon in Hawthorne. The staff is friendly and their work is excellent. Whether you are looking for a manicure or pedicure, this is the place to go. A full service salon at your fingertips. No appointment is needed. Open 7 days a week.

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