Vines & Branches RVC w Rockville Centre

Stany ZjednoczoneVines & Branches RVC



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80, North Park Avenue, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-608-2200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6590666, Longitude: -73.6450884

komentarze 5

  • en

    April Dibs


    Amazing selection and attentive service. Will definitely be back.

  • en

    Steven Smith


    Friendly and helpful owner. She sampled us on some items an answered our questions. The products taste great.

  • Victoria Rose Silversmith

    Victoria Rose Silversmith


    Love this shop! Lisa always goes above and beyond. Our favorites are pumpkin spice white vinegar, strawberry vinegar, pear, and the basil olive oil. If you need a gift or appetizer for a dinner party, this is the place to go!

  • Alison D. Gilbert

    Alison D. Gilbert


    We are all familiar with wine tasting. But Vines & Branches is a new take the existing theme. This shoppe has olive oil tasting, 26 varieties to be exact. Of course, there are additional products to complement their abundance of flavored Italian olive oil. This is a lovely unique addition to the residential and retail community of RVC. There's an online store in case you can make it in person. But if you do, please let owner, Lisa Lowe know that Alison suggested to stop by for a tasting and to shop.

  • Jeffrey Katz

    Jeffrey Katz


    Recently had the opportunity to come across this wonderful little shop and its owner . . . slightly off the main drag of town (but super close to the railroad station), but well worth a visit. This a place that offers a wonderful selection of infused olive oils (in various sized and priced bottles), for cooking or/and dipping, balsamic vinegar's (which I have yet to try), and an Asiago cheese dip that is super tasty and is great in salads, on garlic bread or (shhh). . . fresh out of the jar with a spoon. They offer other kitchen / cooking items which compliment their primary product line and will definitely go here when I need something special in my kitchen or as a gift for someone who appreciates this line of high quality kitchen items. They also offer a subscription service for their olive oil and balsamic products . . . maybe not necessary for locals as you can just pop in, but worthwhile for people who appreciate a quality product of this category. They also sell their products to a few local restaurants which further cements recognized quality of their products.

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