Village Paint Supply Inc i Larchmont

Forenede StaterVillage Paint Supply Inc



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2084, Boston Post Road, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-834-3300
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Latitude: 40.929025, Longitude: -73.751319

kommentar 3

  • en



    Village Paint is THE BEST! I have been working with them for years both for personal projects and for my design business and have found them to be super knowledgable and professional. They always have a creative solution for whatever project I am working on. They also have a great selection of fabrics, wallpapers and window shades and I highly recommend them. We are very lucky to have Village Paint in Larchmont!

  • Alison Benadum

    Alison Benadum


    My husband and I recently moved to the area and were drawn here because of the nice local stores. We were so excited to shop at this small business rather than Lowe's/Home Depot. I stopped in with my mom to purchase over $600 of paint for my new place. They look up your account by last name so the sales man behind the counter asked for my last name to which I replied, "Weisenberg". He looked at me, then at my mom, and said to her, "How'd you deal with that one?" I just got married last year and had recently changed my last name. I am so disappointed to say this was my first encounter in my life with antisemitism, and that apparently it is alive in well in 2017 at this store that happens to be caddy corner to a synagogue. My mom and I were speechless. After he said the first comment then he continued with it and asked me what my name was before (he must have assumed it was not my maiden name). I replied "Benadum". He said "As in D-U-M-B?"

  • en



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