Village Green Dental i New York

Forenede StaterVillage Green Dental



🕗 åbningstider

337, Hampton Green, 10312, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-948-0870
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.554811, Longitude: -74.194008

kommentar 3

  • Anastasia Antipova

    Anastasia Antipova


    didn't like my experience there. Was seen by the doctor only for a minute or so, he was very unconcerned by the questions I asked and wasn't helpful at all. Cleaning procedure was very painful (way worse than other clinics i went to before), I got a filling done also, have no complains about it.

  • en

    Vitaly D


    The Hygienist was great. I was really confused when a man in a sweater, hands in his pockets, asked my wife to open her mouth, barely took a look and then asked her what the problem was. He had no interest in looking at the teeth himself. then he put his hands in back in his pockets and strolled off. That was the "Doctor." Find another dentist.

  • Breann Healy

    Breann Healy


    Love love loveeeeeeeeeeee the hygienist Havent been treated by the Doc yet

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