Vigneto Cafe i Highland

Forenede StaterVigneto Cafe



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80, Vineyard Avenue, 12528, Highland, Ulster County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-834-2828
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Latitude: 41.7188508, Longitude: -73.9644001

kommentar 5

  • Andrea Landolfa

    Andrea Landolfa


    Lovely atmosphere, attentive staff, excellent wine and food. Very pleasantly surprised.

  • en

    Drew Williams


    Great service good food. It's actually a nice little place hidden in rural N.Y.

  • en

    Ivan Beniquez


    I have had some really good meals here the more often I have had stale cold bread delivered and weird experiences like fish that was very tasty sauce but raw in the middle like they cooked it when it was frozen, homemade pasta that would be delicious but was overcooked, a scampi sauce that was a creamy sauce when Stampy should not be. Just weird things like that that have made it a 50-50 chance I'm going to have a good meal or be disappointed

  • Helen Ice

    Helen Ice


    Small restaurant with big plates of Italian food. Prices are fair and range from $15 to $30 a plate. It'll be easy to find something you like at your price point. I ordered the surf and turf off the special menue ($30), which I know isn't Italian, but is served with a side of pasta. They did an excellent job on not over cooking the steak. After 6 they had a live singer doing old rat pack songs. The place filled up fast for a Thursday evening. Recommend calling ahead on a weekend.

  • Josh Perry

    Josh Perry


    Came from out of town and was recommended to stop here for lunch. It's a nice quality restaurant and had very few patrons at around 2pm. Waiter was quite pleasant and attentive. Ordered the angel hair with seasonal vegetables dish, and service was quick and delicious. I highly recommend this restaurant as a result of the experience and if I ever stop by again, I'll be sure to revisit!

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