Viana Beauty Salon w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneViana Beauty Salon



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888, Northwest 27th Avenue, 33125, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 305-414-5555
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7809877, Longitude: -80.2396695

komentarze 5

  • en

    alina mendez


    Best prices, extremely knowledgeable staff and super friendly service."

  • en

    armineh arasian


    This is the best Hair salon in Miami. I got my hair dyed and blow dried by Viaa. She did an amazing job! She is very sweet and makes sure to give you exactly what you want. She takes her time to make you happy. I also got my hair cut by Yiny and she is also amazing. I have always had long hair but yesterday I decided to cut it all off and change my look. I am only thankful that I was in such great hands. They did such an amazing job and I am in love with my short hair/new look! I would recommend them without hesitation

  • en

    alina menendez


    I have been doing my eyebrows with Viana for years and I will never trust anyone else with my eyebrows but her, she is the best!

  • en

    klismaris puig


    I went in today for deep conditioning and a haircut and I love it! I will definitely be back. Viana worked with me today and she is so sweet and really listens to what you're looking for.

  • Isamar R.

    Isamar R.


    Being someone who's had negative experience in the past with beauty salons, I've found my holy grail in all things hair care! I love Viana Beauty Salon!! Customer service is excelled time and time again. I'm very meticulous and delicate about my hair especially because it's Virgin hair, never relaxed, never treated with harsh chemicals, never colored, besides hair straightening it and blow drying it, my hair is Virgin. I have what most (or ALL) beauty stylists would describe as XL hair, I nearly sit on my hair, you can see why I'm so cautious with it. Jeannie has dealt with my hair in styling and cutting it for many months now. She's great!! Viana is so kind and welcoming to every client, as well as her staff. In Miami, don't doubt I've been charged $80+ for a standard blow-dry on my hair, it seriously doesn't get better than this. The prices are right. The service is impeccable. And I'm one of many appreciative and happy customers!

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