VG Hair Design Studio w Rye

Stany ZjednoczoneVG Hair Design Studio



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20, Purdy Avenue, 10580, Rye, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-481-8844
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.984414, Longitude: -73.6837051

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adopt Gold


    I have had Vilma cut and style my hair for over 20 years. She and the studio are both professional and elegant. - Michael

  • en

    Kyle Ramalho


    VG is a great place where the girls are extremely welcoming and professional. I stopped in to fix my brows, always nervous to try someone new, but I could not have been happier with the results. I highly recommend this place to anyone in need of their services. Kelfy does the best eyebrows.

  • en

    Jade Salzano


    It seems like yesterday I was consulting with Vilma for a tape in hair extension installation. From the moment I walked in I was greeted with a smile and treated like what seemed like royalty! The group here, every single person is extremely talented, educated and committed in creating and reinventing just the look you’re looking for. Not just that BUT they will help you achieve the look for your hair type. Keeping every circumstance in mind. Over the years I have been to many different hair salons. This is the one salon that keeps me coming back. Not once have I had any issues with a cut, color, or installation. They give me advice and work extremely hard to have me leave with a smile. In my personal experience. My hair has never been healthier because of the help and advice from these women. I’ve been short, long, lightest of light to brown. No split ends. No damage. Do yourself a favor and give this establishment a shot. It was the best decision I could have made for my hair!

  • Catrina Derby

    Catrina Derby


    The ladies here are AMAZING! Vilma educated the kids, especially the girls on how to take care of their hair. Properly shampoo, condition, and brush. She cut all the kids hair exactly as they wanted!!! Great communication and very personable. We had been to several places and just couldn't find a hair stylist that could execute and that we could communicate well with. Thank you VG Hair Design Staff!! You Rock!!✌

  • en

    Shari Flansburg


    Awesome experience! Very professional and friendly staff! Their holistic approach to highlighting and coloring totally transformed my hair. It is now the most healthy, soft, manageable hair I have ever experienced. Coupled with a great hair cut, it is definitely a salon I would highly recommend!

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