Verizon Authorized Retailer – Russell Cellular w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneVerizon Authorized Retailer – Russell Cellular



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836, Lexington Avenue, 10065, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-207-8422
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7651619, Longitude: -73.9662392

komentarze 5

  • en

    Vicki Levine


    The staff was very smart and helpful

  • Арина Апанаско

    Арина Апанаско


    Be careful with them, especially with their "gifts"!!!!!!!They would try to still your money. In my case it was $300!!! I walked in there to get a iPhone 6 it was just released. I also told them that I'm leaving soon and I need it ASAP. I expected that I would have to wait. But they promised me that I will get it in 2 days. The phone did not come on time. The manager told me: don't wary, I'll give you any cover for the phone just as a gift for the inconvenience, for free. Finally the phone came 6 days later. They kept asking me if I need a charger, a screen, something else. I was saying no to all of these, but I reminded them about a case as a gift. They also "gifted" me an extended battery. When I had to pay, the charge was 300$ more than I expected. I asked them why? And they told me that it's a normal price. I paid, took a receipt. But I went to another Verizon store. They were surprised with that charge and asked me if bought anything else from them. I did not. But I've got a $4 battery and $40 case (according to eBay) as a gift. I went back to them and started asking questions, they tried to avoid answering them, telling me that this is a normal charge. I spent there an hour, and finally they told me that if I return their "gifts" they will give me $150 back, I asked where the other $150 would go for, I had to listen something what did not make any sense. Finally they return me those $300 in exchange for their "gifts".

  • en

    Jessica Rothman


    This place is a scam. It's not a real verizon store. Not sure how they are allowed to operate this way and have their store called "verizon wireless". They sold me 3 fake chargers that didn't work with my iphone. I paid ~$40 each and went abroad. Got stuck with no phone charger and there is no apple store in the middle of central africa where i was traveling.

  • en

    Nyc Dealer1


    I Am a Actually a very long time customer with the Stay Connected Wireless,I think They are Number one when it comes to Customer Satisfaction!! I am always welcomed with a smile,and treated very well!!! I A++ Service! Will come back again

  • en

    David Robertson


    What great service I got at this Verizon store!! These guys that work here are so helpful and genuine and they really know there stuff something you won’t see at most places. I walked in to this store not sure of what phone to get, these guys hooked me up with a amazing Motorola razor I love it !!!!!!!!!

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