Verizon w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneVerizon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6695 Las Vegas Blvd S, Suite A-180, Las Vegas, NV 89119, USA
kontakt telefon: +1 702-273-3448
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.0667261, Longitude: -115.1738281

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica Wood


    They helped me temporarily but pushed me to call Verizon which didn't help the fact that I had already traveled there.

  • Andrew Montano

    Andrew Montano


    Ashley and Andrew were great representatives. GM Kristie was also amazing!

  • Sean MacNabb

    Sean MacNabb


    The people here are fantastic. I had a phone having issues, and the last thing I hadn't tried was a new SIM card. The rep who checked me in had his customer tell him it was cool if he just grabbed me the SIM while he worked with him. They got me in and out so fast, and I got to chatting with the gracious customer, and we both ended up buying Google home minis. I should've left this review weeks ago, but after a completely horrible experience at another location, I felt this store deserved the recognition they've earned. It was an awesome experience. It was everything Verizon's creedo embodies. Neither of us felt like opportunities for metrics, but rather customers who are taken care of and provided solutions that works enrich our experiences. A lot of places could learn how to treat customers the way the guys at this store treated me.

  • en

    Carina Sowinski


    Excellent customer experience. I wish I could remember the name of who helped me so I could give her a shout out (she is from Ohio). I am new to Las Vegas and had to switch phone companies. She did an excellent job of going through all of the different plans with me and being patient as I decided which was the best option for me. Great overall experience.

  • en

    Chris Talbot


    Amazing service, great value from Americans more reliable network

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