Vekslers w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneVekslers



🕗 godziny otwarcia

521, Hicks Street, 11231, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-534-5498
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6853008, Longitude: -74.0004369

komentarze 5

  • Cheryl Campbell

    Cheryl Campbell


    Great neighborhood place, excellent food, great value, chill staff. The egg bowl is amazing, they took it away for brunch but I saw it came back for dinner. And then sighed with relief. Coconut rice is highly addictive. Cauliflower with buffalo sauce is so crisp and makes one feel healthy despite the fact that buffalo sauce is butter and hot sauce. If you're in the area, great spot off the beaten path (facing the BQE)

  • Calvin Lammers

    Calvin Lammers


    Probably the worst delivery experience I’ve had in NY in 8 years. Awful. Late, food was cold and not handled properly.

  • Anthony Scudese

    Anthony Scudese


    Lovely small bar and restaurant with great service. Weekday happy hours extend to select entrees

  • Zachary Brenneman

    Zachary Brenneman


    Very Interesting menu, with a broad mix of American/Asian inspired cuisine. I would order Buffalo Cauliflower/Fried Brussels sprouts every time. Both are amazingly good and not on your everyday menu! Food is always done well, but I did find service to be a little slow at times. On the three occasions that I have been, there was two wait staff for the whole restaurant. I am not saying that service was terribly slow or rude, but it was slower than average consistently.

  • Samantha Waterhouse

    Samantha Waterhouse


    Love the small plates here for sharing. We came for an early dinner with friends and had the place to ourselves. Fried chicken buns are a must but all is good. Great for families; kid friendly and good cocktails ;)

najbliższy Bar

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