VE Macy Park i Ardsley

Forenede StaterVE Macy Park


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Saw Mill River Road, 10502, Ardsley, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-946-8133
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Latitude: 41.0184605, Longitude: -73.8448954

kommentar 5

  • Ram Viswanathan

    Ram Viswanathan


    A quaint park accessible from South County Trail. I stumbled upon this park while looking for rest rooms and was disappointed to find none here. There was a run down porta-potty which wasn't in usable condition.

  • en

    Andrew Ippoliti


    Nice park with a baseball field, soccer fields, covered seating area and path for walking/running/biking and a place for parking.

  • Mad Martigen

    Mad Martigen


    Very peaceful park with a beautiful lake. Great to just walk around the trail by the lake or just sit and relax on the bench.

  • en

    Nicole Jones


    Went kayaking here. Was my first time kayaking "solo" and felt very safe and taken care of. Going g back this summer!

  • Elvenbayne



    Nice place to sit. Love that it's connected to the North Country Trail. Beautiful waterfall. Interesting memorial. Biggest down side is that you can't get to it unless you're heading north on the Saw Mill and then to head South you have to go over 2 miles North then turn around in a town. If you're heading southbound then you'll have to go about 3 miles south then find an exit to turn around on then to come back up.

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