Vapiano M Street i Washington

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Forenede StaterVapiano M Street



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1800, M Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-640-1868
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.905357, Longitude: -77.041938

kommentar 5

  • Aurelie Nsoki

    Aurelie Nsoki


    Great place! You order from the menu and head to a section where the chef/cook will make your dish in front of you. I ordered pasta carbonara which was super delicious and portion were good size. The space is cozy and clean. Staff was friendly. It was a great first experience, I’ll definitely come back again

  • en



    Good pasta, made fresh! The wait can be slightly long though. I've stopped getting things with the spicy pepper when they ask because they usually put too much... Fave used to be the beef pastas, but really liking the chicken Alfredo these days

  • Sandeep Josan

    Sandeep Josan


    We stumbled upon this place while walking and thought of giving it a try. The place has a nice ambience and a unique way of ordering food. The lines at the food counters could be long depending on the time of the day but the wait is certainly worth it. Our bruschetta, tomato soup, and pastas were really nice and flavorful. We will definitely visit again to soothe our pasta taste buds.

  • Anastasia Nickolaou

    Anastasia Nickolaou


    I have to admit I walked into this place off recommendations from coworkers but I was completely blind to the process so I had to learn the hard way. You pick up a card from the hostess, then go to the station you want for food (they have salad, pasta, & a pizza station), you tell them what you want & can customize it pretty much any way, then they swipe your card & you wait for your food. Once you get your food sit anywhere you’d like. Bottled drinks are at the station but beer & wine & anything special is at the bar (along with dessert) Great food but the service wasn’t top of the line when I walked in needing some guidance. Make sure to read the menu beforehand so you don’t end up lost in pasta heaven like me.

  • Ellie Kerr

    Ellie Kerr


    Great location and good service. The restaurant is very clean and has tons of space. They have great food and the cafeteria style is perfect because everyone can get whatever food they want. This location gets a little busy around lunch, but isn't too busy at dinner time. Weekends vary, but usually it's pretty easy to get a spot.

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