Vantage Yacht Club w Chicago

Stany ZjednoczoneVantage Yacht Club



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600, West Chicago Avenue, 60654, Chicago, Cook County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 312-577-7002
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.8969643, Longitude: -87.643851

komentarze 5

  • en

    barbie Dela Cruz


    Smooth sailing! Great staff!

  • Roger Merel

    Roger Merel


    Had great experience. Used Groupon for a pontoon boat. Awesome time. Will definitely use them as my "go to" for boat rentals on the river.

  • en

    Bonnie Ladgaard


    Wonderful evening. Wouldn't go if I didn't have a Groupon.

  • en

    Jeff Katz


    This place is amazing! If you join as a member, it's basically $100 per two hour cruise. You can't beat that!

  • Katherine Zulawski

    Katherine Zulawski


    If only 0 stars was an option! I never write Yelp reviews, but I do not want others to have the same terrible experience. My family purchased a 2 hour pontoon boat ride as a Mother's Day gift to my mom. We arrived at the pier on time. We had four children under the age of four with us, not to mention coolers of drinks and bags of homemade appetizers. After 15 minutes we spoke with management and were told that our boat was not back yet. Very long story short, we waited for 2 hours on the pier until our boat arrived, only to be told the party scheduled after us would be taking the boat. During this waiting period we were told numerous different things: we would get a full refund and a boat ride, we would get our boat when it returned, we would get the next available boat. None of these things happened. Instead, after 2 hours of waiting, a very rude young woman finally came to speak to us and told us they don't do refunds and that we wouldn't be getting on our previously scheduled & paid for boat. This event happened this past Saturday and we have not received a credit back yet! We did receive an "apology" email, where they apologized, but then went on to say how it wasn't their fault. I understand there were circumstances outside of management's control, but I would think there would be back up plans for when a party keeps the boat too long. It was bad enough that Vantage Yacht Club wasted our time, but to be treated so rudely on top of that is unacceptable. You can certainly use Vantage Yacht Club if you want to spend 2 hours standing on a pier, but do not book them if you actually want to take a boat ride!

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