Value City Pharmacy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneValue City Pharmacy



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2578, Broadway, 10036, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-961-9500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7954433, Longitude: -73.9707692

komentarze 5

  • Mollye Asher

    Mollye Asher


    Worst pharmacy ever. They will randomly decide not to open or open late. Of all places to have inconsistent hours, it shouldn't be a pharmacy. Some times there network just doesn't work. Every time I try to pick up medication from them, there is a problem. Negative stars. Photo for a typical Thursday at 1pm.

  • Charles Santos

    Charles Santos


    Don't use their delivery service unless you live in the local vicinity. I was referred to them by my dermatologist as a free service and they couldn't get my order cross town in a timely manner. Their customer service doesn't communicate to their driver about delivery promises on timelines. Use your local Rx for prescriptions as this is not Amazon type service. Prescription services was good though, they saved me money on my Rx. So if I was local, the review would have been different.

  • en

    Krystal Gonzalez


    They have terrible customer service, called to get my prescription transferred to a pharmacy closer to me and they hung up on me.

  • Jerome B

    Jerome B


    I believe in supporting small businesses, independent from corporate monsters like CVS and Walgreens. I greatly appreciate the higher level of customer care smaller companies tend to provide.. Sadly, NOT HERE! If your accustom to hearing (over the phone) "we have the most important prescription ready for you" ,this is a pharmacy for you. If your accustom to consistently calling in your prescriptions ahead of time (two days) only to find out that it has not been filled on the day of your pick up this is a pharmacy for you. If your accustom a long wait after finding out that your prescription has not been filled ahead of time this is the pharmacy for you.. If your accustom to listening an owner/head pharmacist degrade his employees as you wait, this is a pharmacy for you. Every month there are new faces (I can only imagine why) behind the counter with promises that the prescriptions will be filled accordingly "next time.". Earlier this month, 7-11-16. I had enough and switched pharmacies. (personally calling my "PCP" to have prescriptions sent to the new pharmacy) . As a final insult to me , Value City Pharmacy filled my prescriptions yesterday 7-29-16. (earlier than my normal pickup date around the 1st) sending me a text stating, "We have mailed out your prescriptions VIA UPS"..I have never requested that my prescriptions be mailed to me by value city pharmacy. EVER! I patronized this pharmacy for several months believing they would get their act together and I wish them all the best. Very disappointed......

  • en

    Hopeann Buono


    Very friendly staff.. Had no problem getting my meds.. I highly recommend they 🤗

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