Valhalla Pub & Eatery i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterValhalla Pub & Eatery



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317, South Church Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-332-3273
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Latitude: 35.2260973, Longitude: -80.8469158

kommentar 5

  • Luke Carnes

    Luke Carnes


    Lots of local beers, very interesting menu and everything we had was good. Very small cosy place, very happy we stumbled into it looking for lunch. Service was very good.

  • en

    Matt Quinn


    The Sesame seared ahi tuna salad is delicious. It's a great lunch spot and the prices are reasonable. We also had the pretzel bites for an appetizer and thuroughly enjoyed them.

  • en

    Andy Cairo


    Quaint little spot. Cool views the bar is super cozy. Had a grilled chicken sandwich, about average. Good choice of micro brews. Also has a 99 health rating!!!! Way to go!

  • Chirag Patel

    Chirag Patel


    Food is consistently delicious!! Chipotle Blueberry BBQ wings are amongst the best in the city. Cuban Sandwich, English breakfast, Fish/Chips, Chicken Quesadillas (happy hour), & Loaded Tots are other favorites. Only recommendation is to keep the kitchen open longer.

  • Jennifer LaFever

    Jennifer LaFever


    Good food, good drinks, great place for happy hour with friends! Great location in downtown Charlotte, near other places of interest. Neat decorations, and food theme. Kind of a small place, and they do not take reservations or seat you. First come, first served! So if you are coming with a group, get there early!

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