VALERO i Memphis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterVALERO


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1414, Jackson Avenue, 38107, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 35.1584056, Longitude: -90.0110145

kommentar 5

  • Daniel PapielpupsTV

    Daniel PapielpupsTV


    This station is great and come here For gas weekly. I can fine Mexican beer and Selection of ice cream here. It’s always busy and thought the outside looks intimidating, the inside is clean and organized. The staff are locals and seem professional. They offer cold cuts which is a plus for many customers seeking fresh deli meats.

  • Lisa Richardson

    Lisa Richardson


    Average gas station

  • Shirley Smith

    Shirley Smith


    Haven't been

  • Angel White

    Angel White


    Nice workers clean bathroom

  • Idealistic Creations

    Idealistic Creations


    Valero gas station has lots of choices within and La Ceiba Restaurant on Covington Pike are a great spot today, very very convenient for friends trying to have a great time. This Honduran place is ideal for Latinos or those trying to taste the cultures food... von apetite

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